Joined: July 1, 2006
Posts: 862
Posted: Post subject: Russel T Davis is a genius |
We have all seen TV series turned into cottage industry showing 3 or more
versions of the same show airing at the same time (Law and Order, CSI...)
but they are basicly all aimed for the same audience.
But RTD has managed to take a 40 year old concept and created 3 shows all aimed at DIFFERENT audience age groups.
I've been a fan of the Doctor since it came to the U S back in the 70's and love the new series too. I can see where Where the new series aimes accross the board of ages while Torchwood has a bit more mature target.
I just Caught the Premiere of Sarah Jane Adventure on the net and while
it was still entertaining it was obviously geared to kids and young adults.
so, 3 show, same concept, 3 seperate audiances all done well.
I'm just worried that SJA may not get picked up here in the U S, and the the first regular eppisode which will premiere monday borrows too much from previus DW shows.
Maybe Nikelodian will pick it up
Will someone shut that man up